Land for commercial building (Slovenj Gradec, Business Zone Ozare)

In Business zone Slovenj Gradec (OZARE), building land with a total area of 6,407 m² is being sold.

The land is entirely flat, all the urban infrastructure is located in the immediate vicinity. The land is easily accessible via an asphalt road, the connection to the Slovenj Gradec ring road is arranged.


  • The land is entirely flat
  • All the urban infrastructure is located in the immediate vicinity

Slovenj Gradec is the seat of the only municipality in the Carinthia statistical region and the legal, economic, banking, educational, information, health, supply and transport centre of the Mislinja Valley and the wider area of the Carinthia statistical region.

The land is situated in Slovenj Gradec Business Zone, where larger, well-known companies with various activities are located. The predominant activities include manufacturing (30%), trade, maintenance and repair of motor vehicles (14%) and professional, scientific and technical activities (13%). Among the manufacturing activities, the most developed are the production of metal products, except machinery and apparatus (12%) and the production of textiles (6%).

These businesses are experiencing high levels of growth, are building the business community and strengthening the area’s chain of value. Additionally, they play an important role as employers at local, regional and national level.

Type of investment: Ready for sale

Estimated investment in total: 1,172,481 EUR

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